By alexmoreno, 9 February, 2013

Some contributtion to add to this Drupal module with which you have been working on?

Very easy, take note:


  1. Go to the folder of your module, previously cloned with git. For example, my contribution this morning: 
  2. git clone --recursive --branch 7.x-1.x
  3. cd cpn
  4. Create a new branch, for example: git branch 1912834-weight
  5. Change to this branch to make the changes: git checkout 1912834-weight
  6. Make your changes
  7. Add them with: git add your-file-modified
  8. Commit them, git commit -m "comment your changes as much as possible"
  9. Create your new patch: git diff 7.x-1.x > cpn-weightsettings-1912834.patch
  10. That's it :-)


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