By alexmoreno, 24 September, 2013

Typical problem, you have just gained your full project permissions role in, and you make your first mess... you have promoted your so loved first project without changing the Short project name.

Well, you have a problem, but not too big. will not allow you to rename your Short project name, so you will have to create a new one if you don't want to have an ugly url like that:

Fortunately git can help. You will simply have to:

By alexmoreno, 3 July, 2013

I always have the same problem when using select forms, and I always forget the solution.

Instead of returning an array, like: return $competitions; you have to return a drupal_map_assoc, like this: return drupal_map_assoc($competitions);

Otherwise, when selecting the form in hook_submit you will get a number, instead of a human readable string.

By alexmoreno, 3 May, 2013

Reading a date in mysql can be frustrating, unless your brain is able to convert Dates from UNIXTIME formats. Let's see for example this scenario in Drupal:

SELECT * FROM `node` ORDER BY `node`.`created` DESC LIMIT 0 , 30

If you need to fetch, for example, when it was the last time that a node was created, this format doesn't help too much.

The solution is quite simple, FROM_UNIXTIME( field_with_date )

For example:

SELECT * , FROM_UNIXTIME( created ) FROM `node` ORDER BY `node`.`created` DESC LIMIT 0 , 30

By alexmoreno, 10 February, 2013

Look mom, without hands...

First, change this in your .git/config:

old url:
 url =
new one:
url = ssh://


Edit your .ssh/config, in your local directory, and add this:

 cat .ssh/config
User git
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/bitbucket

The last line is important, so you are indicating your identity file. Now create this file:

By alexmoreno, 10 February, 2013


removing some folders from git, file .gitignore with these contents:


# Ignore paths that contain generated content.








Using symbolic links for /files directory:



namespace:custom do

    task:symlink do

      run "ln -s /var/www/crucerista/sites/ /var/www/crsta/current/sites/"

      run "echo 'finished'"



after "deploy","custom:symlink"